Animal and Fruit Mashups: Middle School & High School Visual Art Project
Regular price $8.00 Save $-8.00Teaching students how to blend and create texture in colored pencil through still-life drawings can be bor-ing! But with this lesson not only will kids learn to do both, but their creativity and imagination will also shine! How fun these drawings are to display when done! Beginning High School and Middle School Art students will love creating this animal and fruit mashup and in the process will learn all about shading and blending with colored pencil. Everything you need to teach this art project successfully is included, from videos to worksheets!
- 5 Page Lesson Plan
National Standards for grades 8-12; Big ideas, Essential questions, Goals and Objectives, Instructional Materials, Supplies, and detailed process. Also included are Resource links and vocabulary. - 38-page editable PowerPoint Lesson Presentation & PDF
- Demonstration Video
- 4 Page Lesson Plan with Big Ideas, Objectives, Instructional Materials, Step-by-step process, timeline, vocabulary, and more.
- Student Project Checklist
- A-Z Animals and Fruits List Hotlinks Worksheet
- Introduction to Colored Pencils Worksheet
- Animal and Fruit Blending and Texture Worksheets
- Written Critique Sheets
- Student Self-Evaluation as Word Doc and PDF
· Pencils/Erasers
· Drawing Paper (we used 6” x 8”)
· Rulers for use in gridding
· Color reference of animal/fruit printed or digital
· Colored Pencils
· Colorless Blender (if using)
Students will:
Identify a fruit and animal name that combines well to create a unified animal/fruit mashup drawing.
Students will identify key features of an animal and fruit and combine them effectively.
Create concept sketches in the form of thumbnail sketches
Complete a worksheet that demonstrates their knowledge of how to blend colored pencils using hatching, cross-hatching, stippling, pressure, layering, and burnishing techniques.
Complete colored value scale for fruit and animal choice with good craftsmanship and in good detail.
Practice texture from animals, i.e. scales, feathers, fur, etc.
Practice texture from fruit choice.
Incorporate the texture of the animal and the fruit into the final drawing.
Define the element of texture and value in writing.
Complete an animal fruit mash-up that is unified and complete.
Complete a student self-evaluation and participate in critique of work if the teacher desires.
Line: An Element of Art. It is literally the extension of a dot. However, when the line intersects itself, it becomes a shape.
Contour Line: A contour line defines the outline of a form, as well as interior structure, without the use of shading.
Light reflected off objects is color.
Shape: A closed line. Shapes can be geometric, like squares and rectangles, or organic, like free-formed shapes or natural shapes. Shapes are flat and can express length and width.
Form: Three-dimensional shapes, expressing length, width, depth. Balls, Cylinders and Boxes are examples of forms.
Value: The relationship between light and dark. Change of value can be seen in high, low and medium contrast areas.
Texture: The surface quality that can be seen or felt. Actual texture can be felt, implied texture is seen.
Burnishing pushes the pigment into the paper and leaves a very well blended, photo like finish.
National Visual Arts Standards Anchor Standards:
Anchor Standard #1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Anchor Standard #2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Anchor Standard #3. Refine and complete artistic work
Anchor Standard #7. Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Anchor Standard #8. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
Anchor Standard #9. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
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