I'm so glad you're checking out A Space to Create Art and how my resources can inspire creativity in your students! I'm Sabrina, and as a secondary art teacher and yearbook adviser at a large Title One public high school, I know first-hand the daily pressure of creating memorable and interesting art projects. Whether you're an art teacher, a classroom teacher trying to incorporate art, or a parent working diligently to integrate art into your homeschool curriculum, you've come to the right place. You've got a lot on your plate, and A Space to Create Art is here to help.
My Background

My Teaching Style
My goal is that every student, regardless of experience or ability, can understand and be motivated by art. I used a scaffolded approach to teaching art, and teach students how to go through the creative process, from thumbnails, to small studies, to final art, giving them multiple chances to learn from mistakes. I start by presenting the entire project, including the assessment guidelines. After presenting the lesson, I demonstrate key skills. My projects usually range from a week to three weeks, but usually can be tailored to your unique setting. I believe in allowing students time to do their best work, but also want them to stay motivated and will often give small deadlines within the project. Students are motivated by this process and I've seen great improvement as they learn from mistakes and gain greater confidence. At the elementary level, the process is always more important than the outcome, whether they are working on a project from scratch or coloring a worksheet but having exemplars available for them to use as a springboard always helps to create high quality artwork.
Inspire Creativity in your Students
A Space to Create Art