Introduction to Lettering, Ink and Design - Semester Visual Art Lesson Bundle
Regular price $90.00 Sale price $60.00 Save $30.00This bundle is comprised of ink and design lessons. Most incorporate lettering in some fashion. These lessons use minimal materials; ink, paper, colored pencils and glue and are an excellent way to teach ink drawing and graphic design.
All lessons include a lesson plan with National Visual Arts Standards, a Powerpoint presentation and a student self-evaluation. Most also include supplemental worksheets to provide assistance to students for concepts and a few include video demonstrations.
Hand Self-Portrait
- 4 Page Lesson Plan with National Standards for Visual Arts and Common Core Standards for English Language Arts; Big idea, Essential questions, Objectives, Instructional Materials, Supplies, and detailed process. Also included are resource links, vocabulary, and rubric. All editable.
- 25 page PowerPoint with step-by-step instructions
- Student samples of Hand Self-Portraits
- Doodle Starter Sheets that include steps on how to create 12 different zentangle patterns
- 2 video demonstration links
Zentangle Letters
- 4 Page Lesson Plan with National Standards for grades 6-12; Big idea, Essential questions, Goals and Objectives, instructional Materials, Supplies and detailed process. Also included are Resource links and vocabulary.
- 27 Page PowerPoint
- Detailed presentation notes (answer key in notes) for the Powerpoint
- Alphabet Sheets A-Z
- Links to 4 demonstration videos
- 3 Doodle Starter Idea Sheets (with 12 three step doodle ideas)
- Blank Doodle Starter Sheet for your own designs for students
- Zentangle Thumbnail Worksheet
- Student Self-Evaluation Sheet
- Assignment page for students
- Alternate Rubric
Illuminated Letters
- 4 Page Lesson Plan with National Standards for grades 6-12; Big idea, Essential questions, Goals, and Objectives, Instructional Materials, Supplies, and detailed process. Also included are resource links, vocabulary, and a rubric in the form of a student self-evaluation.
- 47 Page PowerPoint presentation
- Alphabet Pages with multiple examples of each letter
- Student Self Evaluation Editable Word document
Mandala Lesson:
- 3 Page lesson plan
- National standards, big idea, essential questions, goals, objectives and process notes
- 24 Page PowerPoint Presentation (pptx)
- 5 Mandala Template Worksheets
- 2 Demonstration videos: How to divide a circle into 12 sections using only a compass and ruler and How to begin to build a mandala
- Student Self-Evaluation
- Rubric
Greeting Card Design
- 30-Page Editable Powerpoint Presentation with step-by-step instructions
- Student Samples
- Lesson plan based on State Standards
- Clothesline Alphabet Example Sheet
- Cursive Letterform Example Sheet
- Striped Letterform Example Sheet
- Student Self-Evaluation for Assessment
Hierarchy of Design Letter Compositions
- 4 page Lesson Plan with National Standards for Visual Arts, Enduring Understanding, Essential questions, Objectives, Instructional Materials, Supplies, detailed process and vocabulary.
- 10 Page Editable PowerPoint Presentation
- Student Self-Evaluation Sheet
Chalkboard Art Quote Posters
- 6 Page Lesson Plans with detailed process notes, National Visual Arts Standards, Big Ideas, Objectives, Essential Questions, Final outcomes, assessment and more.
- 34 Page Editable PowerPoint Presentation with detailed student process examples and notes
- Student Self-Evaluation as an editable Word document
- Hand-drawn lettering how-to draw accents sheets
- Links to video resources
Literary Quote Poster
- 7 page Lesson Plan with National Standards for Visual Arts, Enduring Understanding, Essential questions, Objectives, Instructional Materials, Supplies, detailed process and vocabulary.
- 39 Page Editable PowerPoint Presentation
- Student Self-Evaluation Sheet
- Steps of lesson
- 5 pages of famous literary quotes
Logo Design
- Presentation
- Video
- Logo Rules
Mixed Media Techniques Video
Who I am Mixed Media
- • 6 Page Lesson Plan with National Standards for Visual Arts and Common Core Standards for English Language Arts; Big idea, Essential questions, Objectives, Instructional Materials, Supplies and detailed process. Also included are Resource links, vocabulary and student self-evaluation. All editable.
- • 36 page powerpoint (editable)
- Google Slides Presentation
- • "Where I'm From" poem template (editable Word document)
- Google Digital Template
- • Graphic organizer PDF worksheet (helps students identify emotions in poems and match those emotions to colors, lines and objects.)
- Google Digital Template
- • Line and Emotion PDF worksheet
- Google Digital Template
- • Student self-evaluation (Editable Word document)
- Google Digital Template
- • Powerpoint includes short review of emotion of line, color match-up and uses student examples to review emphasis
- • Link to a video of me demonstrating a credit card scrape technique using acrylic paint for background
- Demonstration Video of Emotion of LIne
- • Examples of student artwork including background, poems, and final art.
- • Materials list
- • Assessment guidelines
Student Choice Framework
30 Graphic Design Prompt Task Cards
Visual Art Critique Worksheets
- Classroom Critique Guide with Instructions and Questions
- Peer Critique Worksheet
- Peer Critique 2-up on a Page
- In-depth Written Critique Guide with Questions
- Elements of Art Definitions Sheet
- Principles of Art Definitions Sheet
Final Project Guidelines:
- Art Exhibition
- Reflection with Rubric
- Artist Statement and Title Cards
- Art Portfolio List