Georges Seurat Art History Workbook and Activities - Pointillism - Art Distance
Regular price $6.00 Save $0.00This art history packet introduces students to the artist Georges Seurat. Students learn about the artist through web links and videos, complete pointillism worksheets, then use pointillism to re-create and then color some of his famous paintings. Finally students create a tropical fish using pointillism as their final project.
18 Worksheets Included:
High Resolution Poster of “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte,” by Georges Seurat
About the artist information sheet with examples
Instruction sheet
More resources sheet with links to movies
Color Theory Pointillism worksheet
3 Coloring Sheets of Seurat’s art in black outline form with color guides.
Compare/Contrast Short Answer Worksheet for two of Seurat’s Paintings
Value Scales/Spheres worksheet
Free Pointillism and Stippling Demonstration Video link in worksheet packet
Tropical Fish Contour Line and color identification Worksheet
Worksheet for final Tropical Fish drawing with colored pencil
Student example of pointillism tropical fish done with colored pencil
Extension Activity
Color Theory Pointillism KEY
Value Scales/Spheres KEY
Compare/Contrast worksheet KEY
Ways to use in the classroom:
As an introduction to a famous artist and their work.
Worksheets culminate with student creating their own pointillism artwork.
To support other drawing skills such as:
contour lines, shading in color and color theory
As early finisher work or as a quick art substitute lesson.
TpT EASEL: Use TpT Easel to easily print or digitally assign individual pages to students.
Note: There are options on how to give students color reference other than to print these sheets in color. You can project the example using a document camera or have students look up artwork on a chromebook or smartphone, for example.
©2019 A Space to Create Art, LLC
National Visual Arts Standards:
Middle School Standards:
VA:Cr2.1.6: Demonstrate openness in trying new ideas, materials, methods, and approaches in making works of art and design.
VA:Cr2.1.7: Demonstrate persistence in developing skills with various materials, methods, and approaches in creating works of art or design.
High School Standards:
VA:Cr1.1.HSI Use multiple approaches to begin creative endeavors.
Learn more about TpT Credits here:
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A bundle of additional artists can be found here:
More individual artist packets here:
A note about artwork used in this resource: The work contained in this resource was drawn by Sabrina Wingren using Georges Seurat's work as a guide. The work of this artist has been released into the public domain by its author. Any student artwork included is used with express permission.
Oil Pastels, Georges Seurat, Classroom Art Lessons, Substitute Art Lessons, Art for Early Finishers, Interactive Coloring Sheets, Homeschool Art Lessons, Art History based lessons, Art Movements, Art History lessons, Pop Art, Georges Seurat Activities, No Prep Art History Lessons.
©2019 A Space to Create
Not intended for resale or sharing online without permission.