Pop-Up Butterfly Activity
Well, it's getting close to back-to-school time and it always helps to have a fun art activity in your back pocket. Recently my sister Hilary Lewis used one of my classroom art activities in her 3rd grade gifted and talented students and I enjoyed seeing the photos and the video so much I just had to share.
As an art teacher, there is always a balancing act between making quality art materials and making art accessible and easy for classroom teachers to use in their classrooms. We all know how much classroom teachers have on their plates these days, making it easier for them to integrate art into their curricula is important and vital in our schools and for our children. That's why I began developing art activities with classroom teachers in mind, this is one of them.
Here is the process:

It was important to me to have a template version and blank version of the butterfly for teachers to choose from, and to make the pop-up simple enough for students to create on their own. One of my students, Jayda and I worked and figured out this process and it works great.
Here are some of the final butterflies, but make sure to scroll to the bottom for the video. The kids absolutely loved the way the wings moved and the joy is contagious!

And here is the video:
As an art teacher, this video made me cry happy tears. Activities may not be as rich as process based art, but they sure make a difference in the lives of classroom teachers and their students.
Here is a link to the activity on TpT as well as a link to a fall leaf pop-up.

Hey classroom teachers, have fun creating art with your kids!
A Space to Create
A Space to Create